Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer Reading Project: Stuck in Neutral (Entry 3)


In the book, Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman a section of the book where I saw an intent of hooking the reader was a passage on page 12. On page 12 it says “There is one final bad-news punch line to my life. This bad news is complicated, difficult to explain. In a nutshell, it`s that I am pretty sure that my dad us planning to kill me. The good news is that he`d be doing this out of his love for me. The bad news is that whatever the wonderfulness of his motives, I`ll be dead.” To me this section/ paragraph of the book was the an intention of hooking the readers because it was early in the selection and addresses the conflict at the beginning of the selection which draws readers in to learn more about why Shawn`s father would want to kill him. In this passage it occurs when Shawn is stating all the positives and negatives in his life which lead to the passage above which happens to be a main idea of the selection also. I also found the passage to induce curiosity upon me with the question: Why would his dad want to kill him? Which is why kept reading the selection. The reasons I used explain why I believe the selection I provided was used with the main intent of hooking readers.

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