Thursday, January 23, 2014

The First Element

"Trust" is defined as the reliance  on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

In the book Toughness by Jay Bilas, he explains many different elements of `toughness` and in this blog tbe main topic is: trust. Jay Bilas believes that it takes a certain amount of toughness to trust others and believe in yourself and, in which I also agree with.

I agreed with Jay`s statement in the last paragraph because i can relate "toughness" to my own personal life. It`s relatable because in high school I play on the basketball team and I  have to TRUST that my teammates will play their hardest and that I will have to believe in myself to do my best in order for our team to win games. So as we can see trust is very important in the act of playing a sport, but what`s it`s course in life? To me, trust is also a major element to the game of life. Trust is a much needed element in one`s life because people need to trust in others and believe in others, which in the long run will make the world a better, more enjoyable place.

In conclusion, we are able to see and figure out that trust is not only an important element of "toughness", but also an important element to life itself. This is able to be determined based off of Jay Bilas`s own self definition of the word "trust" and our shared beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting post. It was interesting how you connect a personal experience to one in a book
