Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blogging Reflection

Erik Johnson

Mrs. Palmer

Honors English

5 November 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013 Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

I am just beginning to read the book called Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by John Foer. In this non-fictional book, the author John is on a mission to research and study people with advanced memorization skills. This book also shows the reader many memorization tactics/ practices that people use to enhance their mind capacity to remember things (haven`t gotten to these parts yet, they are in the summary). Overall I hope that this book is a good read and also helps me/ teaches me ways to enhance my memorization skills in the future.


Sunday, September 29, 2013; Heat: Character Analysis

About the Character

In the book Heat by Mike Lupica, it is a story of a young boy from Bronx, New York. This young boy`s name is Michael Arroyo, he is a 12 year old baseball player who is great at what he does (playing baseball), Michael is from Cuba and has a brother named Carlos. Michael`s dad died and has no real parents to care for him and his brother, but Michael overall is a nice, young, smart kid and is very well known and nice to the people throughout the Bronx community. Since Michael has great athleticism and skills in the game of baseball, he is the best player on his team and one day wishes to make it to the Little League World Series, but with his skills at his age it creates a large conflict that lasts long throughout the story.

Characters Relation to Story

Michael created the conflict of this selection, Michael and his team made it to the Little League World Series and some of the coaches could not figure out the age of Michael because of his great skills in the game of baseball as he throws 85 miles per hour. Since the coaches could not figure out the age of Michael, they mad him present his birth certificate, but since Michael`s parents were both dead he would not be able to get his birth certificate from Cuba. This would then make him ineligible to compete and finish the tournament.




            During the first trimester at Mason High School as a freshman we started a blog. In the act of blogging I have made much advancement in my blogs. The quality of my blogs since day one has been greatly progressing (which is shown in my two blogs above). My quality has increased because the length of my blogs has been longer than my earlier posts, my grammar has strengthened, and as I began to read more and more the more I felt comfortable about blogging so the longer and more structured my blogs have become. I am able to support these states I have mad based on the two blog posts above. As shown there has been an increase in length of my blog from the later date to the most recent date. Also shown is the amount of knowledge I have of the book and how I interpreted it into my blog has shown an increase from the later to the most recent date of my blogging  (Shown by highlighter). In conclusion we are able to tell that my skills of blogging have greatly increased over time.


            While blogging, I experienced many struggles and one of them was finding time to create a quality blog with sports and other activities I had going on outside of school. I was able to overcome these struggles by setting a specific time for blogging each week and working efficiently when we had blogging time in class to get my work finished. I also had much strength while blogging. One strength that I had is that I have a lot of knowledge of my books because I read a lot during this trimester which helped me produce quality blogs. Even though I read a lot, I was not able to reach my overall reading goal and in the process of my reading I don’t remember ever using the Goodreads website to track my reading progress. But in conclusion I have improved greatly as a reader because I used to never want to read before this trimester, while sometimes now I greatly enjoy reading a good book.